
A helper function that takes the Object with Reducers and returns a reducer creator for dynamic reducer injection by applyAsyncReducers.

The reducer creator is only required for setting-up the store.


  1. reducers (Object): An object whose values correspond to different reducing functions that need to be combined into one. See the notes below for some rules every passed reducer must follow.


(Function): A function that is used to create a set of reducers and will be used by applyAsyncReducers enhancer for dynamic Reducer injection. Serves as a replacement for combineReducers.

Example: Composing a Reducer creator


import { composeReducerCreator } from '@react-observatory/inject-reducer'

const counter = (state = 0, action) => {
  if (action.type === 'Up') {
    return state + 1
  return state

export default composeReducerCreator({

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