
This chapter covers the basic setup for Dynamic Epic Injection.

Please note that epics are kept running at runtime even after the Component is unmounted.

Root Epic Setup

To enable Dynamic Epic injection, we need to create a root epic using createRootEpic

It returns us a reference to the stream containing all epics and the actual root epic we can run.

import { createRootEpic } from '@react-observatory/inject-epic'

const logger = action$ =>

const { epic$, rootEpic } = createRootEpic(logger)

export { epic$, rootEpic }

Store Configuration

After that, we need to enhance the store with applyAsyncEpics.

We have to pass a stream of all epics epic$ so it can inject dynamically loaded epics.

The rest of configuration follows the original implementation from redux-observable.

import { compose } from 'redux'
import { createEpicMiddleware } from 'redux-observable'
import { applyAsyncEpics } from '@react-observatory/inject-reducer'
import { rootEpic, epic$ } from './epics'

const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic)

const store = createStore(

Dynamic Epic Injection inside the Components

Now we can start injecting epics dynamically, the epic for Blog component will be loaded along with React Component.

import { injectEpic } from '@react-observatory/inject-epic'
import epic from './epics'
import Blog from './Blog'

const withEpic = injectEpic(epic)

export default withEpic(TaskList)

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